
News: Dr. Ashwani
Kumar, Scientist F is appointed
Acting Director of ITRC, Lucknow
Established in 1965, the Industrial Toxicology Research Centre (ITRC), Lucknow,
a constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)
is dedicated to provide health safeguards to industrial and agricultural workers
through its rich knowledgebase, created painstakingly over the years. The main
campus is located on Mahatma Gandhi Marg in the city, while the other campus is
in village Gheru on Lucknow-Kanpur highway about 22 km from the main campus.
Industrial Toxicology Research Centre
Post Box No. 80, Mahatma Gandhi Marg
Lucknow - 226 001, India
Phone (Director's Office): +91-522-2621856, 2628227, 2613357
Phone (EPBAX, M.G. Marg Campus): +91-522-2627586, 2613786
Phone (EPBAX, Gheru Campus): +91-522-2436144, 2436151
Fax : +91-522-2628227, 2611547
Email: director@itrcindia.org